Blue Mountains Cultural Centre

22 July – 10 September, 2023

Fiona Davies · Szymon Dorabialski · Maddison Gibbs · Rachael Harrex · Eloise Maree · Judith Martinez Estrada · Juundaal Strang-Yettica · Ali Tayahori · Meng-Yu Yan

Tracing the Rupture explores selfhood and the fractured contexts we experience throughout life. By observing and engaging with moments of upheaval and fractured spaces, we generate a new narrative that further informs our futures.

Across a range of artistic practices, the exhibition follows dialogues that exist between the artist and the rupture, the individual and the context. Each artist examines turning points in which rupture has taken place. These potent junctures possess the ability to develop or solidify our identity, as a consequence of what we've lost or what has been taken from us. 

Whether a fractured personal narrative, collective rupture, or disruption to the landscape, the artists engage with these spaces from an intimate place of authority. By acknowledging junctures of turmoil and how experience informs the process of the artist, Tracing the Rupture explores how we repair and continue to rebuild our lives in the wake of rupture.


A Blue Mountains City Art Gallery exhibition curated by Hayley Zena Poynton


as above; so below