AIRspace, Marrickville

Photo credit: Anna Hay

Spellwork (2022)

The initial intention of this body of work was to break through the artist’s block I had been experiencing since the first lockdowns and the loss of my communal studio in Marrickville. They have since morphed into a potent collection of sigils and spellwork.

Like Norse-Germanic Runes and Celtic Ogham, sigils are a visual language aimed at communion with the divine. Sigils however are a personal language developed from a word, sentence or intention, and condensed into a potent symbol.

These sigils are a natural extension of the frustration and anger I felt at having artist’s block. The symbols and linework mirror my determination and intention to break through this barrier with my body tracing lines and creating a language to speak to the divine creative. The energy and fluid automatism, from my hand to the canvas, is what creates potent spellwork. This is a very personal collection of paintings, created in a short time frame, harnessing the energy and forced dynamism of my body, examining intention and output.


White Rhino, St Leonards

Isle of Spirits (2020)

Transmogrifying significant personal sites.

Initially documented through photography and then re-examined in the form of painting.
Balancing between the captured image and the psychic, memorial imprint being held.

How the landscape speaks through time. What it was before I made contact, the actions that lead me there, the ways it will continue throughout time and link back. Approaching time as a nonlinear spiral form within mystical spaces.